Our network of consultants improve the way our clients measure and grow their impact
Evaluations | Outcome Discovery | Data Collection Plans
Eido Research has a multidisciplinary research team that are great at designing and conducting evaluations. They have expertise in identifying insights - typically through qualitative, quantitative and statistical analysis - and combine this with an ability to communicate those findings in ways that people can relate to. Eido Research also work with clients that are starting out on their impact measurement journey and need help defining their outcomes, indicators and data collection methods. Eido’s clients are typically charities, funders and faith-based organisations.
Red Pencil
Red Pencil specialise in marketing, fundraising, brand and communications. They can help your fundraising team think through how to incorporate Makerble into the nuts and bolts of your existing supporter journeys. Red Pencil also have an organisational development practice. They help teams within charities use Theory of Change from an internal strategic perspective to become more effective and efficient. Makerble fits in as the data collection platform to track the extent to which those teams are operating strategically.
Evaluations | Outcome Discovery | Data Collection Plans
Social qual will provide you with impact assessment, process evaluation and implementable recommendations. They can work with you to design project logic models, provide formative and/or summative evaluations. They can solve your data problem by setting up your projects on Makerble, helping you create a Theory of Change and coaching your staff to use the platform to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your work. They are also experts at using qualitative research methods to understand the difference that charities make; ranging from focus groups to ethnography and immersion, online qual, depth interviews, case studies, segmentation and personas.
Richard Collings has decades of experience in designing IT systems for charities working with an array of beneficiaries and stakeholders. He can help you think through how to integrate data from Makerble into your existing CRM and how to fit Makerble into your existing workflows and processes.
Data Collection Plans
Investing for Good works with a wide array of clients seeking to better understand and improve their impact performance. They can support you to create a Theory of Change and a data framework to be able to track your impact on Makerble. They will help you demonstrate your impact to meet the requirements of your funders and commissioners, who are ever more demanding on the need for impact evidence. Moreover they work will help you understand and manage your impact to inform your internal decision-making and ultimately improve your impact performance. Their clients include organisations at various stages of their impact management journey, from those that have not yet formed their strategy or are not yet collecting data yet, to others at an advanced stage and looking for additional support.
David Waterfall
David Waterfall is an experienced consultant that focuses on enterprise development and achieving long-term resilience. He specialises in offering support that enables SMEs, especially those in the third sector, to grow and develop financially viable futures. He can help you create an evaluation framework and define your outcomes and indicators to then start tracking and evaluating your impact on Makerble. Moreover, he can help your organisation develop an achievable strategic direction.
Dawn Newton
Dawn Newton is passionate about creating high impact communications that connect with people. She can help your organisation create disruptive and innovative digital Marketing content with a focus on social media. Moreover, as a certified partner, Dawn will be able to help you set up Makerble and provide you with the necessary training to use the impact platform.
Adrian Ashton is a recognised, approved and accredited provider of advice, consultancy training and research to various social enterprises, charities, sector bodies and other organisations. He will be able to help your organisation create an impact evaluation framework to start tracking your impact on Makerble. Moreover, he will help you with the project management of your organisation to achieve your goals.
Outcome Discovery | Data Collection Plans
Liz Riley is an experienced researcher and project manager supporting charities, social enterprises and small businesses to develop and grow. She works with organisations throughout the project cycle, helping them develop their ideas and projects by helping them identify and describe the social impact they create. She will assist your organisation to use Makerble to embed social impact management throughout reporting and decision making.
Outcome Discovery | Data Collection Plans | Evaluations
Hall Aitken works with the public sector, social enterprises, charities and funding bodies offering expert, innovative consultancy services to strengthen their work and their organisations. They will help your organisation evaluate your social impact ad develop strategies. They will assist you with innovative evaluation strategies to track and measure your impact on Makerble.
Outcome Discovery | Data Collection Plans | Evaluations
Helmepark are expert that believe that developing a deeper knowledge of the relationship between your purpose, your performance and your practice provides the key to unlocking your potential and creating even greater value. They will help you create a Theory of Change to recognise your outcomes and start tracking and measuring your impact on Makerble.