Deliver Local Services using Makerble
Use Makerble to manage every stage of your relationship with service users
Create online referral forms that partners can use to refer people onto your Waiting List for each programme
Transition service users between the Waiting List, Enrolled and Alumni of each project.
Each service user has a central Contact Record that displays their journey through all of your projects; including sessions attended, notes, survey results and more
3. schedule appointments and activities
Use the Events App to book service users into appointments in advance. Assign colleagues to events as Event Workers. Message attendees. Run reports. Stay organised.
Post an Update after every session. Log the attendance of multiple service users at once or post an update for each individual service user that attended. Capture progress towards outcomes and add attachments. Log reasons for Non Attendance if people don’t show up.
Whether you use validated surveys like GAD7, CORE and WEMWBS or prefer to write your own evaluation surveys from scratch, you can send your service users a personalised link to complete that survey before, during and after your programme using The Surveys App. Makerble will automatically calculate the Distance Travelled so you can see the number of people whose lives have been changed over the duration of your programme.
6. Report instantly to each funder
Use the Boards App to quickly create interactive dashboards that contain the project outcomes that you need to report to a particular funder on. Create a board for every funder. The boards update automatically to show you the latest results you need in order to meet your monitoring requirements.
We will set up your platform with you
We will walk you through each stage of the setup process to ensure your Makerble Platform is built in a way that meets your requirements
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Client Spotlight
Somerset West and Taunton local authority runs an employment service that uses volunteers to mentor and support people with longterm unemployment into further education, training and employment.
Prior to using Makerble, the local authority used Word documents and Excel spreadsheets to track the progress of each service user. This was not scalable. Now the local authority uses Makerble to:
Register new unemployed people
Assign unemployed people to volunteers and local hubs
Track the journey to employment of each person
Report on the outcomes achieved