Track every respondent’s answers over time
Pricing starts at £27.25/month
Your questions, your way
Multiple question formats: multiple choice, tick boxes, text boxes, number boxes, attachments and more.
Timeline of updates
Channel for sharing knowledge
A profile for every respondent
Everyone who responds to your survey is saved in your account as a respondent
You can follow up with them whenever you need to, to do a follow-on survey to see how their responses have changed over time
Anonymity when you need it
Turn on Anonymous mode to allow anyone to complete surveys anonymously
Turn on Confidential mode to allow only the respondents in your database to complete surveys, albeit with their names masked from their responses
Download our free ebook
Measure distance travelled
Quickly identify the Distances Travelled for each question in your survey
Drill down to see the individual respondents who are part of each Distance Travelled
Group questions by outcome
See trends within your survey responses
Switch between charts for individual questions and charts that group questions by the Outcome they relate to
Export the charts and tables to use within reports or for further analysis
Enter survey responses manually
Enter responses from paper surveys, telephone interviews or in-person interviews for specific respondents
Contact Sales to Get Started
We’ll guide your Leadership, Strategy and HR teams through every step of the process