A private profile for each contact
Create a profile for each service user, beneficiary and client
This is a private profile and you can choose exactly who on your team has access to it
From a GDPR perspective:
You can indicate on each contact’s profile when they gave you consent and you can upload a scanned image of the consent form
Add case notes for each case
Your contacts can be part of as many cases as you need them to be
On Makerble, each case will be a project
You can add a range of content to your case notes:
Attachments of any file type: Documents, Images, Videos, Audio Files, etc
Manage all your contacts from one place
On Makerble you can see all your contacts
See at a glance the cases, projects and services that each contact is involved in
Add contacts into groups to make management easier
If you would like to discuss how you could use Makerble for case management, get in touch with us for a no obligation phone call.