Report numbers of Known and Unknown Beneficiaries

The reality is that for some of your work you will know the names of participants but for others you will only be able to record the number of participants. This could be for GDPR data-sharing reasons or simply because it would be impractical to capture individuals’ details during certain activities.

Key challenge: how do you keep track of both the named and unnamed beneficiaries without needing to maintain two different ways of storing information?

The good news is you can store this information in the same place on Makerble

Progress Cards are a user-friendly way to collect and collate information on attendance, participation and engagement without needing to store personally identifiable information about participants.

Record the number of unnamed participants alongside a register of named participants

  • Use the register to tick the names of the named participants who attended

  • Simply enter the number of “anonymous contacts” on your Progress Card to capture the unnamed participants who attended

Report numbers of anonymous, unnamed beneficiaries and service users when GDPR prevents you from storing personally identifiable details

Record demographics without storing personal details

  • Capture as much demographic information as you like about the participants, e.g.

    • Age Range

    • Gender

    • Ethnicity

    • and more

Report your information visually

  • Display bar charts, pie charts and tables for each demographic characteristic

  • Report progress over time for the metrics you track

Report demographic information visually

See Makerble in action for yourself

You can start reporting your numbers of Known and Unknown beneficiaries from as little as £4.95/month

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