CAG Consultants & Climate Action Leeds collective impact CRM case study

About the project

CAG Consultants work with a wide range of clients from the public, private and third sector to to help develop informed policies and strategies relating to environmental, economic and social sustainability. They provide evidence-based research, advice and engagement for their clients. 

Their programme Climate Action Leeds is a five-year programme that aims to shape a zero carbon, nature friendly and socially just Leeds by the 2030s. Their approach focuses on mobilising communities, campaign groups and different sectors to plan and act together on climate change in Leeds and beyond.

The Challenge

Climate Action Leeds is a partnership programme run by several organisations with dozens of other organisations involved. Each organisation needs to capture data about what they are doing to advance climate responsibility in Leeds. Initially, all this was being gathered and stored in separate places.


How they use Makerble

Makerble is one central place for them to store and review monitoring and evaluation data. CAG can easily see survey results for every strand of the project. And the partners responsible for each project can see the survey results for their specific strand without being overwhelmed by the data from all the other projects.

Other partners working on the Climate Action Leeds project want to join CAG Consultants and start using Makerble so that they can have cohesive data collection and analysis, and all reap the benefits.