Case Study: AFFORD


The African Foundation For Development wanted to improve the way it collected impact data. The programme they were focused on was their impact investing initiative which made grants to businesses in Africa. There were three specific challenges:

  1. They needed to provide their funders with a more compelling narrative of the impact their work across Africa was achieving in order to retain them as funders.

  2. The UK management team wanted to know the outcomes being achieved for the ultimate beneficiaries; the employees of the businesses which received the grants.

  3. The two initial challenges were hampered by the current system the charity had in place which was primarily spreadsheets. Staff in the UK and Africa were slow to input data which meant that the charity was surviving on the minimum level of data it could collect from its staff.



We migrated the impact measurement for this programme onto Makerble. This included:

  1. Turning their funder’s logframe of outputs, outcomes and indicators into an interactive theory of change on Makerble

  2. Training the programme team on how to use Makerble



  1. Staff in the UK and Africa are excited about adding impact data via Makerble. This is giving managers data that is informing the design of the programme.

  2. AFFORD is now using Makerble to report back to their funder on the programme in question.