Measure Diversity & Inclusion
Human Metrics™ inspires employees to disclose their Diversity data and shows you how to improve Inclusion levels by focusing on Inclusivity™, a set of metrics which examine how inclusive an employee is, because inclusive employees create inclusive companies.
Understand Your Organisation’s D&I Maturity
There are four stages of D&I Maturity. Wherever your starting point, Human Metrics™ can take you further.
Reactive: No proactive activity in place to promote D&I.
Advocacy: Organisations create affinity groups for people with protected characteristics. These groups may have senior sponsors and run their own programmes of events.
Embedding: Organisations put Diversity & Inclusion within someone’s job title. Policies are reviewed and revised. Recruitment tends to the first area to be worked on.
Belonging: Organisations go beyond giving individual groups a voice and recognise that being inclusive needs to become business as usual to the extent that nobody at any point feels excluded.
How It Works
1. Inspire employees to disclose diversity data
Most organisations struggle to collect diversity data from candidates and employees because people are either wary of the information being used to discriminate against them or dismissive of the value of diversity data.
Human Metrics™ solves this with:
Content for internal communications which repositions D&I as a valued driver of commercial success rather than as something that sits within legal compliance.
A smart survey and dashboard tool which integrates with your existing HCM to provide personally identifiable Diversity data whilst visualising anonymised responses to Inclusion questions.
2. Intelligent data filtering
Human Metrics™ automatically filters survey responses so that your HCM systems receive each employee’s diversity data while employees’ responses to inclusion questions are kept anonymised and retained within the Human Metrics™ Dashboards.
With rich diversity data for each employee you will finally be able to correlate business, talent and progression outcomes against diversity data on the protected characteristics.
3. Improve inclusion by improving Inclusivity™
There’s more to creating an inclusive workplace than attending unconscious bias training and putting in place a set of policies. Employees require a suite of competencies to overcome the challenges thrown up by a more diverse environment. Human Metrics™ consultants and partners help you embed these competencies through a range of interventions comprising events, internal communications campaigns, template policies, training programmes, incentives and more.
Contact Us
Matt Kepple | Founder
020 8123 6253
Matt has run programmes which bring out the best in people, shift attitudes and spark behaviour change. He has worked in charities, advertising and market research. He gave a TEDx Talk at The University of Cambridge on the subject of innovation and collaboration. He has a Masters in Chemistry, volunteers with Sofar Sounds and is a songwriter in his spare time.