Use Surveys
There are many ways to measure your impact. This guide introduces you to six methods you can start using today.
* 3 of 6. SURVEYS *
Why use a survey?
Once you know the differences that you make to your service users lives, i.e. your outcomes, you can make them quantifiable by asking all your service users the extent to which those outcomes have been achieved in their own lives. This is where your survey comes in. There are two approaches you can take.
i. Questions that look back
At the end of your programme, send service users a survey with a multiple choice question like “To what extent do you agree with this statement? ‘This programme has improved my relationship with husband’?” with only five answer options: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, No Opinion, Agree, Strongly Agree. If 60% of service users choose Agree or Strongly Agree, you can claim that your programme has improved relationships for 60% of your service users.
ii. Questions that show the Before & After
At the start of your programme you could ask service users to rate on a scale how happy they are with their relationship with their husband. Then at the end of the programme you can ask the same question and count how many people’s answers have improved. This is called' “Distance Travelled” and is another way to talk about your impact.
Getting Started
You can create surveys and use ready-made surveys with Makerble Surveys