Adding Participants
Text Guide
- Steps:
- 1. Go to your Organisation Settings and click on Manage All Participants
- 2. Here you will have a list of all the Participants within your organisation. At the start it will be empty. Click ‘Make a Participant’ in the top right corner
- 3. You can see the Projects they’re linked to
- 4. You can see their Personal Details
- 5. And you can see their own Progress
- 6. Fill out the Participant’s details. Add them to projects, or remove them as required
- 7. When you are finished, press Save at the bottom. If a another new person needs to be added, just click on Save and Add Another on the bottom right
Image Guide
1. Go to your Organisation Settings and click on Manage All Participants as circled here
2. Here you will have a list of all the Participants within your organisation. At the start it will be empty. Click ‘Make a Participant’ in the top right corner
3. You can see the Projects they’re linked to
4. You can see their Personal Details
5. And you can see their own Progress
6. Fill out the Participant’s details in these boxes. Add them to projects, or remove them as required (as circled here)
7. When you are finished, press save as highlighted. If a another new person needs to be added, just click on Save and Add Another as demonstrated
PDF Guide
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