Technology to run your programmes, reflect on progress, report and accelerate your impact
Contacts | Surveys | Logic Models | Dashboards | Projects | Tasks | Notes | Notifications
Makerble gives you the flexibility to create your own bespoke, fit-for-purpose platform for monitoring and evaluation
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Data collection tools you can customise
Create surveys and registration forms. Collect data about the contacts in your database as well as anonymous respondents.
Makerble is a cloud-based evaluation platform. It gives you the power of a database wrapped in the familiar design of a social media tool.
Dashboards for every programme, survey and funder
Create logic model templates you can reuse for each of your programmes. Build an organisation library of surveys, outcomes, outputs and indicators. Add reporting dashboards for each of your funders to make quarterly submissions easier than ever.
Integrate with your existing software
Plug in to your existing accounting software. Import spreadsheets you already use. Send data to your Makerble account. Export data from your Makerble account.
Arrange a free consultation
We understand technology and we understand evaluation. We can work with you to create a solution that meets your internal and external reporting requirements whilst giving you the ability to streamline your data collection and analysis processes.
Our Clients
Features List
Create your own contact registration forms
Use different registration forms for different types of contact
Combine registration forms if a contact spans multiple categories, e.g. if a person is a Client who then becomes a Volunteer Mentor
Create your own fields and save them to your library
Give team members permission to create contacts
Privacy: choose which team members have permission to view a contact’s record
GDPR Compliance: capture different levels of consent from each of your contacts
Create and edit contact records
See a timeline of notes, updates and completed assessments for each contact
See individual progress charts for every contact
See individual logic models (Theories of Change) for every contact
See which team members are assigned to a contact
See which projects are assigned to a contact
Invite contacts to complete surveys and assessments via email
Create a to-do list for each contact
Report on equalities data with tables and charts that show the demographic makeup of your contacts
Create groups of contacts, e.g. for different types of contact such as Clients, Volunteer Mentors, Partners, Politicians, Newspapers, etc.
Create sub-groups of contacts, e.g. within the Clients group you could have a sub-group for each cohort, such as January 2020 Cohort, March 2020 Cohort, etc.
Register attendance of individual contacts at every session you run
Back date entries in your Register when you need to catchup on missed entries
Add text anecdotes to register entries
Add any attachment to a register entry, e.g. pictures, videos, audio clips and files
Optionally include anonymous entries in your register, i.e. when you have attendees who are not registered in your Contacts database and whom you are not able to add to your database. E.g. if you hosted a community festival, you might know how many people attended but not wish to include every attendee formally within your database
Disaggregate anonymous entries in your register, i.e. record the number of those attendees that fall into different demographic groups, e.g. Age splits, Ethnicity splits, etc.
Create your own surveys
Add multiple question types: text, multiple choice, numbers, attachments, etc.
Add outcomes and indicators to your surveys so that survey responses are automatically analysed in the context of each project’s logic model
Choose freely available validated surveys from the Makerble Surveys Store to use on your projects
Invite contacts to complete surveys via email with the results automatically saved to each contact’s record in your database
Invite people to complete surveys anonymously via email
Complete surveys in-person with your contacts
Analyse survey responses
Print and download charts showing the distribution of answers to each question
Analyse the Distance Travelled for each question, e.g. the percentage of contacts who have reported an improvement in wellbeing between their baseline assessment and their endline assessment
Create your own project forms which are used whenever people create new projects
Choose which members of your team have permission to create projects
Add people to a project team
Give people different levels of permission within a project team, i.e. ‘Reporters’ can only post updates whereas ‘Managers’ can change project settings
Add a logic model to each project with outputs, outcomes and related indicators
Set project targets for every output and outcome indicator
See your project’s progress towards target on an interactive logic model
See a timeline of updates
Create your own logic models to use as templates on multiple projects
Save your logic models in your personal library or the organisation’s library
Create your own outputs, outcomes and indicators
Create different types of indicator:
Qualitative Scales (e.g. for Likert Scales that have several text based levels such as Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
Numerical Values (e.g. for numbers with or without a unit, such as when measuring changes in a contact’s weight over time)
Binary (e.g. for yes or no states, such as whether a person has become employed or not)
Save your outputs, outcomes and indicators to your personal library or the organisation’s library
Optionally pick freely available templates, outputs, outcomes and indicators from the Makerble Impact Store which you can add to your projects in a couple of clicks
Report on progress towards outcomes
Generate time series charts for each output and outcome indicator you work on
Export tables of data for optional additional analysis in Excel or SPSS
Spot trends with charts that disaggregate progress data demographically
Group projects into ‘bundles’ so that their progress can be aggregated and analysed for reporting purposes. Have a group for each grant you receive or for each portfolio/programme of projects you manage.
Add the same project to multiple bundles
See an automatically-generated logic model at a bundle-level, built from all the projects within the bundle
See progress towards target at a bundle-level, looking across multiple projects
See all the contacts engaged across the projects within a bundle
See all the team members working on the projects within a bundle
Conduct analysis at a bundle level
Create a virtual community of practice
Share best practice, insights, reflections, lessons learned, ideas and evidence as a ‘Tip’
Tag specific outputs, outcomes and evidence within each ‘Tip’ so that it is specific
Tag specific demographic groups and other factors within each ‘Tip’ so that it is contextual
Receive personalised notifications of new Tips shared by your colleagues that relate to the outcomes, outputs and types of client you work with (based on the demographic data in their contact records)
Join discussions about individual Tips by adding comments and ‘Likes’
Create to-do lists
Delegate tasks to colleagues
Receive notifications when delegated tasks have been completed
Assign tasks to projects and determine whether they can be completed by anyone on the project team or only by certain individuals
Assign tasks to contacts and determine whether they can be completed by anyone on the project team or only by certain individuals
See a centralised personalised newsfeed that shows everyone on your team the latest of what’s happening on the projects they work on
Makerble automatically generates newsfeed updates whenever new data is added to the system
Add comments to updates in your newsfeed when you have questions you want to ask colleagues about progress on their projects
Send bulletins to your entire team which appear in their newsfeed or via email
Import spreadsheet data from other software into your Makerble account
Map the columns in your spreadsheets to the corresponding fields on your Makerble Account
Import spreadsheets containing contacts, registers, survey results, projects and more. Our team will work with you to manage the migration to Makerble
Connect third-party software to your Makerble Account so that you can synchronise data
One-way and two-way sync of contacts, so that updates to your Makerble Account about a contact are reflected on your other software and vice-versa
Work with our team to get a set of integrations that meet your needs. Makerble has a suite of APIs already built including a Zapier integration.